
Ages 2 .9-5 years

Engage their
growing curiosity

Preschool Classroom

Our program provides a safe, caring learning environment for preschoolers. Preschoolers are ready for full days of fun and learning! Our preschool environment offers daily structured and unstructured activities as well as a strong emphasis on cleanliness and hand washing. Children are guided through explorations of play, nature, and creative arts.

     All children in our program are treated with care and respect as well as learning to respect others and build empathy. Teachers take a proactive approach to teach children how to relate to their peers and make friends. Social-emotional readiness is the key to preschool learning. Teachers will help preschoolers feel safe, secure, how to express themselves, and relate to others.

     Teachers interact with preschoolers individually and in groups. Teachers’ interaction is positive and discipline starts with working out the problem until there is a comfortable solution. Activities throughout the day are both child and teacher-initiated.

     The preschool curriculum is developed to prepare children for school readiness. The focus is on social-emotional and physical growth as well as academics. Daily activities through art, science, literature, and imagination make learning exciting and fun. Our classroom has a gross motor space for riding toys, organized games, music, and movement. We go outside daily weather permitting.

     Daily communication with parents, newsletters, bulletin board news, and a traveling notebook for each child builds a good parent/ teacher relationship as well as progress reports every six months and a scheduled conference. Parents are invited to join our private Facebook page by providing an email address to the director.

$51.95 per day

